Sunday, January 16, 2011


You're forcing me to go to a church I don't want to go to. I love Jesus...does it really matter that I have to worship Him where you tell me? No it doesn't. I want to surround myself with believers that LIVE OUT THEIR FAITH and you're preventing me from doing that. Thanks. I'm old enough to know when people are being fake, and wow my fake radar is practically breaking when it comes across these people. You say my expectation are too high, give people more slack. Okay, so instead of coming to church with a hangover you should go party friday night that way you have all day saturday to recover! Is that enough slack for you? No. I'm not lowering my standards or expectations. Thats what Jesus expects of you and me, so that's what I'll expect. They don't have to accept me, if I cared about that I would have left years ago. But they can't call me out on stuff I've never done and then get mad when I do the same about crap that they actually HAVE done. It's crap and I'm sick of it.

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