Monday, April 18, 2011


Today was a first.
I had a choir audition for a solo...Normally at these things, I'm totally calm. I'm just chill, like whatever they think of my voice is fine, "I don't care". But today, I had nerves like no otherrrrrr!! It was awful! Even my piano player Mrs. Teresea said, "Girl! Calm down! Why are you so nervous?!" I didn't know! On the first song I sang my voice was very obviously shaking. I pushed through and went to the next. It wasn't shaking as bad, but it was still obvious to me. So then, my choir director said  I did great, and he wanted to hear another one. Oh.Great. But naturally, I just prepared for yet another song. It was People Get Ready. I never really thought about singing the solo in that one, but it was cool! Steve, my choir director, said it was good for my range. A compliment, I guess. I still have NO idea why I was so's never happened before and I hope it never happens again!


  1. I'm sure you did beautiful! I hope you get your solo!


    P.S. Enter my royal wedding week giveaway on my blog for a cute necklace! :)
