Thursday, June 2, 2011
Show Time.
It's time! Six months of rehearsal. Countless hours of practice. A huge youth choir. And now, we leave! We've been looking forward to this day for months; some of us, years. Tonight we're gonna load up the bus and head to Union, SC and have our first performance. We're gonna get up in front of hundreds of kids in a detention center and sing to them about Jesus. And tomorrow, we go to NEW YORK! We're gonna be going into Riker's Island. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is a VERY high security prison. So high security that each girl has to walk in with a boy who has been assigned to her. Scary, I know. But if we don't go to these prisoners, who will? God said GO and tell ALL. Well as far as I'm concerned, criminals are definitley included in the group of "all" that was mentioned. Prayers would be greatly appreciated. You can pray for us, but I'd rather you pray for the prisoners that we're trying to reach...they are the reason we're going. When I get back I'll have a post that I'm sure will be filled with crazy stories and such, but for now I'm gonna finish packing......"I'm ready Lord!!!!!!!!"
Friday, May 6, 2011
People Lie. They just do. Even people who you think would never lie to you, lie straight to your face. Then they say "I'm sorry" and expect everything to just go away. HA! As if. Once you lose my trust, it takes a LONG time for you to gain it back again. Why would you make stuff up? Why wouldn't you just say what really happened? You could've avoided all of this crap if you hadn't acted like an idoit. But whatever, apparently we're all 3 years old now. Good to know.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Problems With Authority?
Well, recently I've been told that I have a problem with authority. Seriously? No, I think that I have a problem when people in authoritative positions act like MORONS. When you tell me that the whole in the knee of my jeans is too big?-moron. When you say I came in through the wrong door?-moron, When you say my BEST friend can't go to prom with a girl who is in "positions of leadership" because of his "reputation"?-MORON! When we were having fun parking horizontally and you say we cant because it looks "tacky"?-Moron! I don't have a problem with smart authorities. But when SCA administration acts like complete idiots, yes I have a problem with that. I'm terribly sorry if I disrespected you, but unless you respect me, I sure as heck will not respect you.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Today was a first.
I had a choir audition for a solo...Normally at these things, I'm totally calm. I'm just chill, like whatever they think of my voice is fine, "I don't care". But today, I had nerves like no otherrrrrr!! It was awful! Even my piano player Mrs. Teresea said, "Girl! Calm down! Why are you so nervous?!" I didn't know! On the first song I sang my voice was very obviously shaking. I pushed through and went to the next. It wasn't shaking as bad, but it was still obvious to me. So then, my choir director said I did great, and he wanted to hear another one. Oh.Great. But naturally, I just prepared for yet another song. It was People Get Ready. I never really thought about singing the solo in that one, but it was cool! Steve, my choir director, said it was good for my range. A compliment, I guess. I still have NO idea why I was so's never happened before and I hope it never happens again!
I had a choir audition for a solo...Normally at these things, I'm totally calm. I'm just chill, like whatever they think of my voice is fine, "I don't care". But today, I had nerves like no otherrrrrr!! It was awful! Even my piano player Mrs. Teresea said, "Girl! Calm down! Why are you so nervous?!" I didn't know! On the first song I sang my voice was very obviously shaking. I pushed through and went to the next. It wasn't shaking as bad, but it was still obvious to me. So then, my choir director said I did great, and he wanted to hear another one. Oh.Great. But naturally, I just prepared for yet another song. It was People Get Ready. I never really thought about singing the solo in that one, but it was cool! Steve, my choir director, said it was good for my range. A compliment, I guess. I still have NO idea why I was so's never happened before and I hope it never happens again!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
At some point, you have to make a decision. Boundaries don't keep other people out. They fence you in. Life is messy. That's how we're made. So, you can waste your lives drawing lines. Or you can live your life crossing them. -GREYS ANATOMY
Stop putting up boundries. This is what I have to repeat to myself. It shocks most people. They say, "But you're so outgoing! Why would you have boundries?" First of all, you don't know me. Second, Yeah sure, I seem outgoing-I AM outgoing in parts of my least, the parts I let you see. I can't help it. I just can't. I guess its hard for a lot of people to understand where I'm coming from. Most people my age haven't been through half of the crap I've been through- or rather, put myself through. But then, people who are older say "I'm too young to have experienced life"...BULL. I just laugh, because if they knew HALF of the stuff I've been through, they'd probably have a heartattack. Its harder for people who have been hurt to just jump back in the game. There is an unspoken fear...we don't like to talk about it..we don't even like to think about it. But its always there. Everytime we get closer to improvement or moving on, it pops back into our minds. I know, I understand. Most people don't understand. Even family doesn't...they've either never been in relationships or have almost perfect ones. Good for them...I know that sounds sarcastic but I really am happy for them! So as easy as it is to say "stop putting up boundries" it's gonna take a lifetime to actually achieve.
Stop putting up boundries. This is what I have to repeat to myself. It shocks most people. They say, "But you're so outgoing! Why would you have boundries?" First of all, you don't know me. Second, Yeah sure, I seem outgoing-I AM outgoing in parts of my least, the parts I let you see. I can't help it. I just can't. I guess its hard for a lot of people to understand where I'm coming from. Most people my age haven't been through half of the crap I've been through- or rather, put myself through. But then, people who are older say "I'm too young to have experienced life"...BULL. I just laugh, because if they knew HALF of the stuff I've been through, they'd probably have a heartattack. Its harder for people who have been hurt to just jump back in the game. There is an unspoken fear...we don't like to talk about it..we don't even like to think about it. But its always there. Everytime we get closer to improvement or moving on, it pops back into our minds. I know, I understand. Most people don't understand. Even family doesn't...they've either never been in relationships or have almost perfect ones. Good for them...I know that sounds sarcastic but I really am happy for them! So as easy as it is to say "stop putting up boundries" it's gonna take a lifetime to actually achieve.
Monday, April 4, 2011
As The Voice Fades
Fading memories-One of my least favorite things. I try so hard to remember her voice, her face, the calm of her presence..the comfort of her touch....its fading. My aunt was one of the most important people of my life. I had just gotten used to life without her until I really started remembering some of our conversations. Just before she died we talked about the big moments coming up in my first day of high school, my first date, my first prom, my 16th birthday, my graduation day...all of the big moments for teenagers. She gave me advice that only an aunt can give to her niece. Such wisdom...and such grace. I never questioned if she really loved me..really cared about me and had my best intrest at heart. I know she did-without a shadow of a doubt. Its been 8 years and I remember it like it was yesterday. The pain. The disbelief. It still hurts. I know its not supposed to..I know that the rest of my family has moved on...but I can't. I need those talks with her...especially now in the next few years. Talks with my mother and sisters are good...but they come no where close to my Julie talks. I guess, in a way, I still use music to try to be close to her. We always shared music...she understood what music meant to me, even though I was just a little kid. That was part of our connection. She understood how just one song could change my mood, and the first song I hear in the morning sets the tone for my whole day. She got it...she got me. So yes...I do use music to try to keep that connection alive. Is that bad? If it is, I don't care. I'm not giving it up. And I'm not letting her fade anymore.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
In one month my high school career is half over. I only have 2 school and club volleyball seasons left. (Only 1 for scouts to look at me.) That is so depressing. I love high school.
^^ That is how I thought up until this week. Now I have somewhat of a new outlook. College is gonna be stinkin awesome. I love high school and high school sports, but college volleyball is gonna be beast. I don't need to waste time being sad over all the ends that are fast approaching...I need to be excited about all the new beginnings! The good times- they come and go, as do the bad. But there's no point in sitting around and watching my life go by.
As my life moves on, I'll remember these times. These special memories, with the people that I love.
This post wasn't a particularly deep one...but hey, they all can't be fabulous.
^^ That is how I thought up until this week. Now I have somewhat of a new outlook. College is gonna be stinkin awesome. I love high school and high school sports, but college volleyball is gonna be beast. I don't need to waste time being sad over all the ends that are fast approaching...I need to be excited about all the new beginnings! The good times- they come and go, as do the bad. But there's no point in sitting around and watching my life go by.
As my life moves on, I'll remember these times. These special memories, with the people that I love.
This post wasn't a particularly deep one...but hey, they all can't be fabulous.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
There are two tragedies in life: one is to lose your heart's desire, the other is to gain it." -- George Bernard Shaw
As far as I’m concerned, Shaw was a punk! 'Cause you know what? Tragedies happen. What're you gonna do, give up? Quit? No. I realize now that when your heart breaks, you gotta fight to make sure you’re still alive. 'Cause you are, and that pain you feel: it's life. The confusion and fear.. that's there to remind you that somewhere out there is something better. And that something is worth fighting for."
As far as I’m concerned, Shaw was a punk! 'Cause you know what? Tragedies happen. What're you gonna do, give up? Quit? No. I realize now that when your heart breaks, you gotta fight to make sure you’re still alive. 'Cause you are, and that pain you feel: it's life. The confusion and fear.. that's there to remind you that somewhere out there is something better. And that something is worth fighting for."
Its about that time..
Spring(n)-The season of growth.
Its spring time. For me, spring is almost like a refresher. Hence the "spring break". After spring break I know that I'm almost done with the school year. Its almost time for summer...this year, I'm doing spring differently. Normally, I just wait for summer. I don't really do anything during the spring break is literally all of spring. Not this year. This year, spring is gonna be my clutch time. Its time to amp it up and go hard. I'm halfway done with my entire high school career....scary. Spring is now mine. Summer will come soon enough, just sitting back and waiting won't do any good.
Until next time,
Tay <3
Its spring time. For me, spring is almost like a refresher. Hence the "spring break". After spring break I know that I'm almost done with the school year. Its almost time for summer...this year, I'm doing spring differently. Normally, I just wait for summer. I don't really do anything during the spring break is literally all of spring. Not this year. This year, spring is gonna be my clutch time. Its time to amp it up and go hard. I'm halfway done with my entire high school career....scary. Spring is now mine. Summer will come soon enough, just sitting back and waiting won't do any good.
Until next time,
Tay <3
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
I have 2 forms of therapy. Music & Athletics. There is a song for every mood I’m in. People make fun of me because my ipod is so diverse. Well, I have a lot of moods, therefore a lot of songs. Pretty much any sport is my form of release. Right now it’s volleyball season. I let it out on the court. All my anger, confusion, fear, everything. I try not to take it out on people, but that doesn’t always work. But sports, that works. I’ve always been athletic..I’ve always been musical, thanks to the Lord for giving me these gifts. Those things are always there. Friends come and go, guys come and go, even family sometimes comes and goes. But I always have my forms of therapy and my Savior.
Long time no talk
Haven't been on in a while! Sorry guys.. :) But things have been a little crazy around here. I've got a few changes coming up pretty fast. I will now be helping to lead a 7th grade discipleship group! I'm actually pretty excited. I'm also doing impact weekend with first north...EXTREMELY excited! Its so close to being spring break...To me, spring break is saying, "okay you're ALMOST done!" But its kind of a tease. Its just like summer, but you cant have summer for another month. Lame. Either way, summer is close...gonna be one to remember ;)
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Food, Dancing, Friends, And a little bit of Romance
Homecoming 2011. Basically, it was UNBELIEVABLE. Dressing up with my girls. Dancing with my boys. Partying the night away with most of my high school peeps. The lights, the decorations, the music! (not the best this year, but it was okay.) Looking around and seeing the people I spend every day with having the times of their lives. The only downer--seeing all the couples during the slow dancing. But thats where my best friend kicks in. David to the rescue! I like slow dancing with my best friend more than any cheesy couple dance. High school is pretty much amazing. And Sophomore homecoming kicked Freshman homecoming's butt. Can't wait till next year. :)
Sunday, January 16, 2011
You're forcing me to go to a church I don't want to go to. I love Jesus...does it really matter that I have to worship Him where you tell me? No it doesn't. I want to surround myself with believers that LIVE OUT THEIR FAITH and you're preventing me from doing that. Thanks. I'm old enough to know when people are being fake, and wow my fake radar is practically breaking when it comes across these people. You say my expectation are too high, give people more slack. Okay, so instead of coming to church with a hangover you should go party friday night that way you have all day saturday to recover! Is that enough slack for you? No. I'm not lowering my standards or expectations. Thats what Jesus expects of you and me, so that's what I'll expect. They don't have to accept me, if I cared about that I would have left years ago. But they can't call me out on stuff I've never done and then get mad when I do the same about crap that they actually HAVE done. It's crap and I'm sick of it.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Food for Thought...
“Let go. Why do I cling to pain? There is nothing I can do about the wrongs of yesterday. It is not mine to judge. Why hold on to the very thing which keeps me from hope and love?”
—Leo Buscaglia
—Leo Buscaglia
Just A Place To Vent
We all need a place for our thoughts. This seems like a pretty legit place for me. Just for when I feel like writing it all out. You don't have to read it. I didn't have to write it. But look where we are...
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